"The greatest thing ..."

Apparently, I found it! LOVE!
And it's beautiful. So beautiful. Lately, I realize more and more, that I'm madly in love.

It's kinda funny you know, that feeling inside. That feeling of falling in love for the first real time. Getting to know all these new things, all these beautiful things.
It's funny when you look back and realize that you've found, all you've asked for. All that really matters.

I'm not good at this. I'm not good at talking about my feelings in real life. That's why I write this post. Because I wanna tell him, how important he is to me and because it was time to tell you what happened in my life.

Ten minutes ago there were so many thoughts in my head and right now I almost forget them. I mean I know them, but they have so structure, no order. They are just thoughts and I didn't even know I could express my thoughts in English, 'cause I'm no native speaker. The movies and the music help me to know what I'd like to say. And that is a lot!

Some days ago I thought about writing. Thought about writing this post, because it came from the heart. It moved me. I thought about love and the meaning of love a lot in the past few days.
I don't know much, but all I know is, that I (finally) found someone, who gives me what I needed. Affection in a time, when I really need it.
Now I have someone I can tell everything. Now I have someone I can run to, if I need a hug. Someone who tells me things I can't believe and never heard before. Things, that warm your heart and make you feel safe!
Guys you know, he's really great. He's gentle and kind and polite and handsome and funny and I'm always in the best mood when I'm with him.
He likes me just like I am. He tells me I'm perfect in his eyes, though I know I'm am a lot, but not perfect. He likes my flaws and errors because they're a part of me.
He tells me I'm beautiful and it warms my heart. He buys me flowers and is a true gentleman.
I'm crazy about him and talk way too much about him.
This is probably exaggerated but that's what love is about, isn't it?

I had so much more to tell, but I can't remember, so just that you know (if you read this):
I like it, when you tell me those things, but I can't really show it, 'cause I'm insecure. I don't want to lose you because you make me feel so great. I start to accept myself as I am and try to love me even more. With all my flaws and errors. Because you show me, that there are people who really really like me like I am and that I don't have to be a size 0 to be loved. Nobody is perfect, but you say in your eyes I am.

So let me end this with the most beautiful and most suitable quotation from one of my/one of our favorite movies:

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return!" ♥♥♥

Euer Kartoffelsalat

(OMG, this is really kitschy!)


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